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Day by day technologies dramatically improve the quality of human life. Technology is a kind of magic representation, as what seemed absolutely impossible five years ago turned into a common practice. Except for a perpetual motion machine and a time machine. However, time machine is not always necessary to predict the future. Sometimes proficient analysis is enough. In order to glimpse the future of technology, the current trends in software development should be taken into account since top tech trends mark a window of opportunity. The year 2020 is almost over, so it is time to list 7 trends that have been dominating for a year.

1. Blockchain

This technology serves to store data from transactions. Nowadays, bitcoin deals successfully use this instrument. Transactions demonstrate tremendous potential for blockchain usage in banking. Since this technology possesses a range of major advantages that include safety, transparency, openness. As a transaction is being processed, the participants are getting data on every step taken by one another. Blockchain technology is decentralized and it is impossible to delete data on some operation, as many computers around the globe store this information. That is why Blockchain is the best solution for spheres where transparency and data maintenance are highly needed, such as micropayments, bank transactions, logistical operations and suchlike. The technology may serve for any purpose, ranging from hospital card catalogs to election conducting. Recently, Blockchain technology was an unusual novelty but right now as its infinite opportunities shown and proven, global giant companies take interest in it. It seems almost nothing is able to prevent Blockchain development and worldwide implementation. And this fact is very encouraging.

2. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

With AR technology, one sees on a camera display the real world and additional inserted digital objects. VR lets a person dive into virtual space with the help of a headset. VR and AR are undeniably top trends in software development. However, these technologies are mostly taken as attributes of the entertainment industry. The release of Oculus Rift contributed to the fact. These virtual reality systems are sold like crazy and take great interest in the sphere of VR. The gadgets are used for 360-degree videos and games. Possibilities of applying are much broader. These technologies may be helpful for design engineers and designers, as AR and VR are remarkably good at prototyping and model analysis. To establish practices, soldiers, doctors, and sportsmen may rehearse their actions beyond real conditions. Today we are also witnessing growing availability of the technology. It no longer exists as services for overpriced projects. These days apps for any sphere of VR and AR applying can be with no issues developed and used. So as we see, VR and AR applications in various significant areas of life is a matter of time.

3. PaaS

Platform as a service (PaaS) is a development platform and the environment in the cloud. Working on it, developers are provided with all the necessary tools (hardware, operating system, database software, middleware, QA tools etc). As a product is developed, PaaS is a way of providing consumers with it. PaaS is included into web development trends, as it reduces the significance of distance: this technology allows customers to control the deployed applications, members of a programming team are able to work remotely. With PaaS, duties can be distributed among the team. The platform offers greater opportunities for commenting and exchanging messages within the team. Sometimes an emerging technology may influence process structure. Such current trends in software development as PaaS platform and decentralized teams of developers are closely connected. Platforms like PaaS enable specialists to team up, no matter where they may be located. Version control system records all the changes, all function smoothly. Equal responsibility for each member of the team leads to shared interest and coordinated teamwork. The global tendency towards outsourcing of services also contributes to the decentralized structure of teams.

4. Internet of Things (IoT)

According to this trend, most devices should become smart. It doesn’t mean that these devices will be able to conquer the world. These smart machines are equipped with sensors, but information without processing means nothing. Cloud-based applications are responsible for data processing (interpretation, transmission). Nearly every device may be connected to the Internet, but can hardly take any advantage of this connection so far. Therefore, various useful functions which are possible due to the Internet are highly needed to be developed. A new long-range goal is to unite all smart devices into a network, so that they may operate together. For instance, while driving a car you no longer need to stop at a light, as your smart car is aware of frequency for traffic light signal changing and calculates an optimal speed to omit approaching a light with a forbidden signal. Latest trends in web development connected with IoT bode a great shift in everyday life.

5. Big Data

Primarily, big data is a set of special methods and tools, aiming at huge amounts of information processing and presenting it to be understandable for users. It is characterized by such v-aspects as veracity, validity, volatility, and variability. This phenomenon has been strongly criticized but still belongs to web development trends in 2021. The key is that big data is just an instrument. A one-size-fits-all approach is inappropriate, so the possibilities of big data usage have been reasonably analyzed. There are fields where big data can lead to incredible results. Business can take great advantages of big data. These include revenue growth, improving the accuracy of product positioning, increased efficiency for promotion campaign. When taking into account subject knowledge and applying to the right sphere, big data is able to work a miracle. This arises purpose popularity of the technology.

6. Artificial Intelligence

Long ago artificial intelligence was originally intended to create human-like intelligence. In the current circumstances, this field is being developed in the form of intelligent things, which are supposed to make life more comfortable. Existing chatbots may be helpful to deal with corporate issues. Voice assistants are gaining popularity, as its functionality has been significantly improved. These programs are rather popular, they constitute one of the mobile app development trends. Such assistants as Siri, Cortana are widely known and used. Amazon Echo, Google Home and Amazon Alexa, except answering questions of users, are able to manage smart devices. Developers are working hard to provide an appropriate level of safety for personal assistants, as at the moment it is not recommended to give them access to mail. However, the progress is promising, personal assistants are at the top.

7. Cybersecurity

Fight against hackers is endless, as they are always finding new loopholes. But this doesn’t matter that nothing should be done. Financial institutions and other organizations realize that failure to protect information about customers tends to huge reputational risks. Over the past few years cyberattack frequency, scale and complexity have grown substantially. Cloud services are at risk now. Working on hacking corporate clouds networks is under way. Almost all spheres of life somehow or other useful software, hackers expose risk to institutions of prime importance (such as hospitals, automatic control systems of plants, prisons), they endanger human health and lives. The matter that cyber attacks are often aimed at such essential areas, makes cybersecurity a key concern. First and foremost, the current trends in software development are based on market demands. Top-notch cybersecurity specialists are highly needed.

Summary: Current trends in software development all the mentioned above trends make the future of software development. They are rather popular right now, but the thing is on the prospects of development. Cybersecurity stands out, but this area of focus maintains all other technologies and enables them to function correctly. Having looked at these trends, one may be sure that the future of technology is quite promising. In the near future, devices are going to change our ordinary lives for the better.

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